Fabulous faux fur fashion


So we have had some really nice weather lately, and by that I mean no rain! However a light jacket is still needed to keep out that cold, post winter breeze. My suggestion? a nice faux fur coat. Yes they are fur, but the inside is normally not very insulating. Or at least I know mine isn’t. However, it does keep me warm when it is in-between hot and cold. And it looks fabulous.

Before buying mine, I checked to make sure it was fake fur. You can usually tell, because the real fur is a lot softer, but I didn’t want to risk it. So I looked up the fabrics and materials on the label and fortunately it wasn’t real. I guess its whatever you prefer to wear, I personally dont like the thought of walking around in a dead fox’s fur. But if you are ok with it, its up to you. If thats the case then its just fur fashion for you

The joys of the faux fur coat are unlimited. It goes with everything. I wear mine with jeans, skirts, leggings, dresses. EVERYTHING. The colour is a neutral brown so it goes with the whole of my wardrobe. However, I would stick to buying neutrals for fur jackets, just because it is such a statement piece to start of with. Unless you are very bold and out there, I think the fur should be the one and only show stopper. Plus, its hard to outshine, such a bold item of clothing

Faux fur doesn’t only come in the form of a coat or jacker, it has lots of different uses. My next favourite fur fashion item is the fluffy bag. Sold in shops all across the uk, fluffy bags in the pastel colours of spring are heading into the streets. And they are amazing. They are kind of like pugs, so ugly that they become cute ( I am a pug lover by the way.)

I got mine from a charity shop for £15. That is my tip for affordable faux fur fashion, because a lot of faux fur is super expensive. Faux fur is expensive because its trying to replicate something equally as expensive. the fibres have to be put together a certain way, and then dyed and it takes a lot of time and a lot of resources. This is why most of my faux fur jackets are from charity shops. I just check the labels for the materials used and then if its cruelty free, and under £20, I put it in my basket. And plus, vintage is so in!
So this spring show us your inner animal, weather its a leopard print fur jacket, a plain fur jacket, or a super cute, super fluff white fur jacket. Or even a furry hat! Let the world know your animal reincarnation, through fashion

lots of love,
Diary of a french chick xoxo
Jacket in the picture is from ASOS, currently out of stock

100% polyester
P.S no animals were harmed in the making of this blog, or the wearing of my jackets. I checked

charity shop shopping (thrifting)


Ok, so times are hard, and when nearing the end of the month, not many of us can still afford that urban outfitters binge that we all want so badly. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Charity shops! Or better known in the US as thrift stores. Now bare with me here, because I know they are Smelly and dusty and a lot of the time, filled mostly with junk. But one mans trash is another mans treasure! the trick is, look closely. I used to hate going to charity shops with my mum on the Saturday mornings. She would take Ages, and would still be in the same section by the times I would finish in the toys and books section. And now I get why. Don’t get me wrong, my parents had the money to buy us all, them included, whatever we needed, but my mum was a bargain hunter. She would always come out with glamorous dresses and jackets and bags. Her best buy was a silky, white, floor length Karen Millen dress. How much? £15. £15! After learning the trades of charity shop shopping, I have since purchased a faux fur Topshop jacket, Levi jeans and Cavela shoes. All at bargain prices. And the plus? All the money goes to charity. There are also plenty of cheap books, some retail for £12 in WHSmiths! You could be getting some for 50p instead.

So this is why charity shops are great and why I love them so! cheap and helpful. So tread slowly through the mud, and find yourself a gem, because trust me there are loads!